How about a little this and that ....
A lot of times I view other peoples blogs and am quite impressed. They have much to say, while I sometimes wonder if I'm not saying enough. Take my sisterhomegirl, Nikki Woods - if you ever to go to her blog you will see that she is really deep and deep thoughted (I know it ain't a word!) and her blogs give you much food for thought! And then I've gone to some other blogs (will not out them here) and wondered: dayum - when are you going to seek some professional help?! Sooo, as I sit here waiting for the bacon to cook in the oven, I'm going to jot down topic that come to my head. Let's start with one of my favorite topics: Writing.
I am amazed when I finally finish a book! Now I know that sounds really crazy, like maybe I SHOULD seek a little help, but bear with me. Because I'm no fan of outlines, I tend to write exclusively from my head - whatever pops in makes it on the computer. I create a scene or some dialogue, then a day or so later I may change the whole thing! CRAZY! Yet, it seems to work for me. Like now, I'm working on my next single title, One In A Million, and I've changed the heroines name twice now! And I've changed the protagonist three times - sheeeze! Anyway, this is how I write so when the publisher asks for a briefing of the story, I'm too hesitant for I know something will change. Anyway, I've got another month to finish and I'm not even half way through it. Pray for me, y'all!
Next ... Driving. Let me start by saying I think I'm the worlds best driver! Nah! And I don't think there are many folks, men or women, who drive better than I do. And possibly you reading this blog think that you are the worlds best driver, but here are my drivers pet peeves:
Turn Signals -- ALL vehicles were install with them. To use is kind, to not is inviting danger! If my mother was Svengali and my daddy, Houdini, then it would stand to reason that I may just be able to read your mind and know, through osmosis, that you want to make a left turn.
Car Doors -- Did you know in the state of Illinois that it is against the law to open your car door WIDE in the path of oncoming traffic? Yet, many do and then look at you like you stole something when you give the offender an evil glare. There is nothing worse than that feeling of foreboding, thinking that some NUTT is going to open their car door as you pass. But fear not - the accident is theirs and so is the liability!
Double Parking -- Unless your mother/father or elderly passenger needs to get out of the car due to no parking spaces, sitting there chatting with your girlfriend for five minutes while other vehicles need to get around you is just plain RUDE! And being the passenger who refuses to hurry and get out is unconscionable!
And speaking of rude - not saying excuse me when two people are talking and you are the last to the group, but feel that what ever you have to say is FAR more important that what we were conversing about. But saying excuse me and then not waiting for you to be acknowledged is asinine! I guess this is something your mom did to you and you didn't like it.
MEN - Anyone who knows me know that I love men, Black men. Wait, but I do think Sean Connery is a super sexy ole dude and Matthew McConaughey is FOINE!! My apologies, I digress. I love black men's colors, shapes, sizes, swagger, coolness - I just love them; but I don't always love the game. When I was younger I loved playing right along, but now that I'm older, I don't like it and won't play it and this is where me and my brothers part. If you consistently tell me that you are going to call me and don't I take that as: YOU'RE JUST NOT THAT INTERESTED IN ME and I move on. I'm not mad. Like Romance books, not everyone likes them, not every man is going to like me. That's okay. But what makes me mad is the fact you have the audacity to get angry at me because I didn't chase you down and blow up your phone by calling to see why you didn't call me back! This, my brothers, is not a sign of interest it's a sign of STALKING! And if you paid any attention to me, you would have figured out that I think I am far too cute to be stalking anyone.
Women - My sisters, and this is from the heart, dealing with married men is not an option in the world of dating. In my younger days, I'd date a man with a girlfriend but married men have always been off limits to me and will be until I take my last breath.
Recently, someone told me that during a book club event it was said I made the statement that I dated married men. Well, that is an outright lie and unfortunately for the person who made that untrue statement, if I hear it again I'm going to be suing for slander. Anyone who reads my work sees the underlying theme: commitment.
Anyway, I've always had great respect and reverence for matrimony and when my ex cheated on me twice (he had three women the first instance and one the last) I was truly hurt. That kind of pain I wouldn't wish on anyone, so how could I do that to another sister? Anyway, when a man talks bad about his wife and he has to lie to her to see you - what makes you think that he's not telling you lies? Speaking ill of you? All you are is a diversion. Now, if his marriage is THAT bad, then he can come see you AFTER the divorce. As women we must see ourselves as special. See, I think I'm special - to myself and my mother. PERIOD! Outside of that I hold no false hopes. Sisters, let the married men go! If he cheats on his wife he will cheat on you and God forbid he leaves his wife for you! Honey, what makes you think that he won't leave you or cheat on you - remember the ole saying: what goes around, comes around.
And my last topic. Domestic Violence. This illness has gone on far too long, yet when Prophetess Juanita Bynum and Bishop Weeks placed their hands on each other in violence they engaged in Domestic Violence and proved that its ugliness is still alive and thriving! Now I don't know who's telling the truth and who's telling the lies, really don't care, but what I do care about is the church's lack of response as if this is okay! It's NOT. When I was a young teen, my brother once told me to never put my hands on a man in anger. That if a man hit me back, he would kick said man's ass because he wasn't man enough to walk away from my silliness. But if a man hit me, my brother said he was going to jail for the man is a dead man. I took this to heart! And I was so proud of my minister when he stood in front of the congregation and spoke of always protecting women and that not one of the women of his congregation better ever step to him with any visible signs of physical abuse - he and the armor bearers would be paying a visit to that women's husband/man.
Sisters, we must carry ourselves as the greatness we are. We are life! We are the earth! And human kinds continued existence is predicated on us - women! Let us not teach our daughters/sisters/nieces/female neighbors how to punch and be punched! That is not our destiny!
Enough said? Enough said (for now) :-)
I am amazed when I finally finish a book! Now I know that sounds really crazy, like maybe I SHOULD seek a little help, but bear with me. Because I'm no fan of outlines, I tend to write exclusively from my head - whatever pops in makes it on the computer. I create a scene or some dialogue, then a day or so later I may change the whole thing! CRAZY! Yet, it seems to work for me. Like now, I'm working on my next single title, One In A Million, and I've changed the heroines name twice now! And I've changed the protagonist three times - sheeeze! Anyway, this is how I write so when the publisher asks for a briefing of the story, I'm too hesitant for I know something will change. Anyway, I've got another month to finish and I'm not even half way through it. Pray for me, y'all!
Next ... Driving. Let me start by saying I think I'm the worlds best driver! Nah! And I don't think there are many folks, men or women, who drive better than I do. And possibly you reading this blog think that you are the worlds best driver, but here are my drivers pet peeves:
Turn Signals -- ALL vehicles were install with them. To use is kind, to not is inviting danger! If my mother was Svengali and my daddy, Houdini, then it would stand to reason that I may just be able to read your mind and know, through osmosis, that you want to make a left turn.
Car Doors -- Did you know in the state of Illinois that it is against the law to open your car door WIDE in the path of oncoming traffic? Yet, many do and then look at you like you stole something when you give the offender an evil glare. There is nothing worse than that feeling of foreboding, thinking that some NUTT is going to open their car door as you pass. But fear not - the accident is theirs and so is the liability!
Double Parking -- Unless your mother/father or elderly passenger needs to get out of the car due to no parking spaces, sitting there chatting with your girlfriend for five minutes while other vehicles need to get around you is just plain RUDE! And being the passenger who refuses to hurry and get out is unconscionable!
And speaking of rude - not saying excuse me when two people are talking and you are the last to the group, but feel that what ever you have to say is FAR more important that what we were conversing about. But saying excuse me and then not waiting for you to be acknowledged is asinine! I guess this is something your mom did to you and you didn't like it.
MEN - Anyone who knows me know that I love men, Black men. Wait, but I do think Sean Connery is a super sexy ole dude and Matthew McConaughey is FOINE!! My apologies, I digress. I love black men's colors, shapes, sizes, swagger, coolness - I just love them; but I don't always love the game. When I was younger I loved playing right along, but now that I'm older, I don't like it and won't play it and this is where me and my brothers part. If you consistently tell me that you are going to call me and don't I take that as: YOU'RE JUST NOT THAT INTERESTED IN ME and I move on. I'm not mad. Like Romance books, not everyone likes them, not every man is going to like me. That's okay. But what makes me mad is the fact you have the audacity to get angry at me because I didn't chase you down and blow up your phone by calling to see why you didn't call me back! This, my brothers, is not a sign of interest it's a sign of STALKING! And if you paid any attention to me, you would have figured out that I think I am far too cute to be stalking anyone.
Women - My sisters, and this is from the heart, dealing with married men is not an option in the world of dating. In my younger days, I'd date a man with a girlfriend but married men have always been off limits to me and will be until I take my last breath.
Recently, someone told me that during a book club event it was said I made the statement that I dated married men. Well, that is an outright lie and unfortunately for the person who made that untrue statement, if I hear it again I'm going to be suing for slander. Anyone who reads my work sees the underlying theme: commitment.
Anyway, I've always had great respect and reverence for matrimony and when my ex cheated on me twice (he had three women the first instance and one the last) I was truly hurt. That kind of pain I wouldn't wish on anyone, so how could I do that to another sister? Anyway, when a man talks bad about his wife and he has to lie to her to see you - what makes you think that he's not telling you lies? Speaking ill of you? All you are is a diversion. Now, if his marriage is THAT bad, then he can come see you AFTER the divorce. As women we must see ourselves as special. See, I think I'm special - to myself and my mother. PERIOD! Outside of that I hold no false hopes. Sisters, let the married men go! If he cheats on his wife he will cheat on you and God forbid he leaves his wife for you! Honey, what makes you think that he won't leave you or cheat on you - remember the ole saying: what goes around, comes around.
And my last topic. Domestic Violence. This illness has gone on far too long, yet when Prophetess Juanita Bynum and Bishop Weeks placed their hands on each other in violence they engaged in Domestic Violence and proved that its ugliness is still alive and thriving! Now I don't know who's telling the truth and who's telling the lies, really don't care, but what I do care about is the church's lack of response as if this is okay! It's NOT. When I was a young teen, my brother once told me to never put my hands on a man in anger. That if a man hit me back, he would kick said man's ass because he wasn't man enough to walk away from my silliness. But if a man hit me, my brother said he was going to jail for the man is a dead man. I took this to heart! And I was so proud of my minister when he stood in front of the congregation and spoke of always protecting women and that not one of the women of his congregation better ever step to him with any visible signs of physical abuse - he and the armor bearers would be paying a visit to that women's husband/man.
Sisters, we must carry ourselves as the greatness we are. We are life! We are the earth! And human kinds continued existence is predicated on us - women! Let us not teach our daughters/sisters/nieces/female neighbors how to punch and be punched! That is not our destiny!
Enough said? Enough said (for now) :-)
At 12:52 PM,
ladytk said…
I totally agree with you in regards to the married men post. For some odd reason, people feel extremely comfortable with telling me their secrets. As far back as High School, up to today, friends, family members, co-workers, and even strangers have felt compelled to open up and confess stuff to me(?). So, I've heard every excuse under the sun as to why women decide to undertake a relationship with another womans husband. 95% of the time, the other women end up merely being used. Then, what mystifies me is, they turn right back around and ask, why me? You put that answer plainly, what goes around, really does come back around. And I like how the Word of GOD puts it...that which you sow, you shall surely reap. And nobody's "special" enough to make GOD go back on his word! Now, that other 5%...the women who think they really were special because they got the man to leave his wife and marry them or "be exclusive to them", live the rest of that relationship in total fear. They build their relationship foundation on coveteousness, hurt, and abandonment. Later on down the road, you will find that those relationships usually end in one of the two of them dying too soon. The three instances I know of, one - the "other women" got hit by a car and died; Two - the guy who left his good marriage for a "pretty Young Thang", died of Cancer at the young age of 37; and three - The "other women" didn't die, but, the cheating ex-husband dogged her out so bad, she wished she had. So, again, it just doesn't pay to date a married man. It appears to me, that GOD really steps back and let the devil have his way in people lives when they decide to meddle with the holy matrimony of marriage.
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