Barbara Writes

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


This past weekend I was in Atlanta attending my second RAWSISTAZ event - the RAW Affair. And as usual, I had a great time! But allow me to give you a little highlight of the event.

I landed on Friday, took the MARTA from the airport to the hotel, which by the way was FANTABULOUS! I'm one of those folks who really like a nice hotel and the Crown Plaza (Ashford Dunwoody) was really nice - great amenities. And the train ride wasn't too bad - this coming from a person who works for the CTA and take transit a lot (especially in other cities - wanna compare). When I got to the Dunwoody station, I had to call the hotel, not realizing it was about a two block walk!

Sooo, I checked in, rolled to my room, called my mommy (yeah, I wrote: Mommy!), grabbed me some grub, then snatched me a nap! Once I woke, I headed down for the Meet/Greet, which featured author Toschia (she is wayy too dayum funny!) who got down speaking on our (meaning the RACE) importance of giving back! And did I mention food? HECK, the four pounds I lost I sure gained it back just looking at all that dayum food! Shoot, Tee fed us!

The next day was packed. I sat on a panel titled "Promoting Your Book." I was joined by Marc Lacy (a great poet/spoken word artist); Dr. Moe (a fellow author) and my partna in crime: Tina Books-McKinney! Hell, all she and I have to do is look sideways at each other and we ready for T-R-O-U-B-L-E! As for the panel topic, all I have to say is: Lisa Woodson (aka Naleighna Kai )! This sister is a PROMOTING PIMP!!

The day continued with other panels: Our Voices: Writing What We Love, which included teen author sensation Brittney Holmes, Pam Samuels-Young, the RACE MAN: Dr. Fred Williams and Thomas Brooks, who I must digress and speak on. This brother's journey mirrors my own - we were both adopted as infants. He searched for his birth parents, which is something I did half-hearted about 10 years ago. We even had a great discussion on should the adoptive parents raise the adopted child with the fact they are adopted or not. For Thomas, he was told when he was about 11 whereas I was raised with it. But we both feel the same about it: we think its special! Kudos to this brother!

The next panel, "What We're Writing and Our Literary Legacies" was too lively, especially since the ever gracious, never short on words, quite prophetic Gwynne Forster sat on this panel along w/Victor (Alexander O'Neal - I'll explain lata) McGlothin and Kendra Norma-Bellamy (author and mother to Miss Brittney - Kendra, you did a WONDERFUL job!). This panel got a lot of discussion, as it swept from Urban Ficition to the writings of Langston Hughes and Richard Wright!

Lunch saw Travis Hunter, who was the Keynote speaker. Now, my brother, don't get mad, but I sure as hell didn't get what you was talking about!

After lunch, I had the honor of conducting a workshop I created as a way to motivate writers! Thanks to the folks who attended! Yall was great, especially Monica and her hubby! And let me not forget the RACE MAN, Dr. Fred Williams, who evoked great memories for me when we began talking about the Harlem Renaissance!

The final panel of the event was , "Perceptions of Black Americans Through Literature," where we all agreed that in the end, we need, as writers/readers, to make sure that we are shown in all of the diversity our race exudes!

Did I say Tee fed us? Snack time saw me sliding a cookie in my pocket! LOL! Then we had the Book signing, where I was paired with Gwynne (I just love her honesty!). During the signing, I noticed that Victor McGlothin's pictures were sitting on the table where Gwynne and I was signing. I called out to Vic to "come and get ... his propaganda." Then I looked at one of the pictures w/him in a suit and thought instantly of Alexander O'Neal! And to make matters worse, Marc Lacy joined me in a meolody of Alexander O'Neal songs!! Vic - you all good brotha! Alex! Alex, baby! Alex!

Dinner featured Gwynne as the Keynote, who did not disappoint in her rendition of what family was, is and will be as she tied it to how RAWSISTAZ has become a family to countless authors over the years! And did I say TEE FED US?!??!!? Hell, I had to roll to my room, but not before I made two stops. One to Tina's room for a look see at some umm, shall we say, ahhh, unmentionable goodies?! Tole yall she my partna in crime. And did I mention that Lissa Woodson was also in that same room?! Nuff said! And the second stop was to the room of two women who belong to the esteemed sorority of Delta Sigma Theta, who just so happen to be from my family's home state (Arkansas) and who was so kind to me, as well as gave me a book I wanted to read! A million "Thanks." God willing I'll see you both at UAPB's homecoming in Nov.

In closing, thank you aNN, Brenda, Dinny (sp?), Kalaani and Tee - I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the support, the reviews (good or bad) and the love you have shown me as I roll along this literary journey! Blessings to each of you! And if I forgot anyone, please charge it to my head and not my heart!
